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John Whiting - Stupid Simple Sales System

John Whiting - Stupid Simple Sales System

$29.70 $297.00 -90%
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John Whiting's Stupid Simple Sales System

This system is different than anything else you've ever seen. You don't have to blast hundreds of messages or waste hours with people who won't buy.


      Sales. Simplified.

      This system is what sales should be - simple, fun and fulfilling. And as long as your target market has problems, and you have solutions, and you can talk and type words, the internet exists, and you actually apply it... it will work. 

      Here's What it is.

      The Bulletproof Sales System is an online course + digital workbooks and scripts that helps online coaches, consultants, course creators, service providers and agency owners get more leads & close more deals without running ads, building funnels, running a group or posting tons of content.

      This works by jumping into the 'easy to find' endless pool of qualified leads already asking for help and helping them in a way that gets them to ask to buy your stuff.

      As a result... instead of building, posting, spending & hoping people want to work with you... 

      ...All you'll get are 'thank you's' and deposits in your bank account.

      With this Bulletproof sales system, you can do less, make more - and enjoy it! 

      And in this course, I'm going to give you the step by step instructions on how you can do it too.

      This is for YOU if...

      You are at some stage of building your online coaching, consulting, agency, service or course business. 

      And you want to never have to worry about where your next client is coming from... Ever again!

      Hi, I'm John...

      I used to suck at business. I was sick and tired of working so hard with so little to show for it.

      It seemed impossible to get clients, and even when I did, it seemed impossible to get them to pay, stay and say 'thanks'.

      I tried everything from cold outreach to groups to paid ads to funnels - all of which left me tired, confused and burnt out.

      I decided I needed to simplify things. A lot.

      Once I began applying the fundamentals of this 'stupid simple' way of getting leads & clients, I've now built three separate businesses beyond 7 figures including:

      • A Marketing Agency that I started, scaled & sold the assets of in 18 months (Digital Kryptonite)
      • ​A Coaching Company that I still run today (Bulletproof Entrepreneur)
      • ​A Software Company that I still run today (TEDi)

      I don't say that to brag, or even indicate that you'll duplicate my results. Most won't. And you might not... But....

      Imagine getting leads like this... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

      It's Possible If All You Do Is FOLLOW THESE 3 STEPS

      If you're struggling to get clients, you need to stop doing cold outreach, wasting money on ads, building complicated funnels and start with the 'hidden in plain sight' basics of client acquisition. These 3 steps are designed to make it stupid simple. 

      Each step comes with a workbook, script and full masterclass walkthrough!



      Right now, there are thousands of people with problems your products & services can solve - and they’re actively discussing them on social media!

      You just need to enter the conversation in a way that positions you as the obvious best solution with…

      • Step by step instructions to easily find hyper-targeted posts, comments & questions where your customers are literally asking for your help on social media in 5 minutes or less
      • ​Use the expert-crafted ‘comments to conversions’ word for word script designed to get them reaching out to you
      • ​They’ll reach out to you asking you for help or more information about what you do if you apply this correctly



      If you do step 1 right, you won’t need fancy ‘parlor tricks’ to get people to book a call with you. 

      Stop trying so hard and let this setting script do the heavy-lifting for you.

      With this proven setting script, you will…

      • ​Use the 'Power Pre-Frame' to get them to immediately thank you for your time
      • ​Use the 3 Power Questions to get them to start selling you on why you should help them
      • ​Use the ‘Flip Booking’ strategy to get them to ask you if you can help them further



      Most people have been taught to push. Gross. 

      When you use the word-for-word ‘Reverse Closing’ Script, you get to harness the power of ‘Pull-Selling’. 

      My simple closing formula is designed to help you…

      • Build trust and create a doctor-patient relationship with your client…
      • ​Position your offer to perfectly solve their problem (without changing your fulfillment)
      • ​Get your prospects to sell you on why you should take their money and sometimes even handle their own objections

      Sales Page:

      John Whiting - Stupid Simple Sales System Course Content

      Product Details


      Q: What are Gumroad Payments?

      A: Gumroad Works as the payment gateway here, you get directed to an item on Gumroad that is linked to your BizArena order, once You complete you purchase on Gumroad, Your order on BizArena will be automatically Completed.

      Q: Why Your Courses Are Cheap, Is This Website Legit?

      A: Most of our courses come from Group buys.

      We either do our own group buys or organize them.

      So We have access to everything.

      And other times, We are only a participant and other people organize them for us and deliver the product to us. Every course has its own unique conditions. Some Courses we get for cheap prices (Group Buy Prices).

      And others not. We get them for an expensive price. We are making sure that We can provide affordable prices but sometimes, It is really out of our hands.

      In both cases:

      1. We only share videos, PDFS, any other documents or audio files.

      2. We don't share any Facebook Group Access or any other private communities.

      3. We add updates frequently once they are released.

      Q: How Am I Going To Receive The Course After Fulfilling My Payment And How Soon Will I Receive It?

      A: once you complete your purchase you will receive a direct link at your email, the course will also be added to your BizArena account dashboard at the "My downloads" Tab.

      Q: Do I Need A Paid Mega.Nz Account To Access The Courses?

      A: Nope, you will receive the link generated from our accounts and will use the quota from our accounts as well, this means you don't need anything else at all.

      Q: How Can I Be Sure That I'll Receive The Course That I Paid For?

      A: We have the course, you paid for it, and you will receive it.

      Firstly, you need to know that we have 100% secure payment options like Stripe and PayPal which both have refund options so you don't have to worry about that.

      Secondly, You can request content proof, we will send you screenshots of the course content, sample video links, and everything you need to make your concerns disappear.

      How to Download - F.A.Q

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