Download Authority Profit Machine To Create, Publish and Market A Special Kind Of A Simple, 40-Page eBook That Will Turn You Into A Sought-After, Go-To Authority In Your Desired Niche.
Our courses are verified every day
MODULE 1 – The Big Picture (This is your TICKET to fast and guaranteed success with your APM eBook.)
Birds-eye view of the overall APM funnel and how to bang one out… in less than an hour!
3 REAL, invisible reasons why you haven’t been able to create and publish your eBook yet! (And how one dead simple trick will burn each of these 3 reasons right to the ground!)
If you have published your eBook you’ll see WHY exactly you are not getting the kinds of results you hoped for!
How one simple tweak in your eBook funnel may turn even a dismal failure of an eBook into a monster authority-building asset bringing you leads, sales, and clients 24/7!
How and why 19 sales of a single, short, 60-page APM eBook… can easily bring you more big-ticket clients and cash… than most best-selling non-fiction authors get with thousands of books sales!
MODULE 2 – Research & Choosing A Topic For Your eBook
How to flesh out BOOMING – yet severely overlooked – niches within YOUR industry… where… people are starving for the solutions you have to offer… BOTH in your eBook AND in your higher ticket products and services!
How to tap into five, under-the-radar market data sources… to validate your eBook idea and get a definite answer to the all-important question – will your eBook sell?… and… do it in less than 15 minutes for free!
How to uncover the deepest pain points in your market! (And build your entire eBook outline around those to ensure it can’t help but strike a chord with your prospects… in 40 minutes or less!
How to measure the amount of money there is to be made in your niche!
3 anti-common-sense tactics for tapping into the most lucrative – yet invisible – markets… and… using your APM eBook to milk it for as many cash-rich clients as you can handle!
How to know exactly what info your audience is hurting for RIGHT now!
What exactly to write in your eBook! (No guesswork.)
How to find and strategically deliver to them that info they’re craving for… via APM eBook… for instant authority status and clients! (Even if you’re making your very first steps in that niche!)
MODULE 3 – eBook Creation
How to flesh out BOOMING – yet severely overlooked – niches within YOUR industry… where… people are starving for the solutions you have to offer… BOTH in your eBook AND in your higher ticket products and services!
How to tap into five, under-the-radar market data sources… to validate your eBook idea and get a definite answer to the all-important question – will your eBook sell?… and… do it in less than 15 minutes for free!
How to uncover the deepest pain points in your market! (And build your entire eBook outline around those to ensure it can’t help but strike a chord with your prospects… in 40 minutes or less!
How to measure the amount of money there is to be made in your niche!
3 anti-common-sense tactics for tapping into the most lucrative – yet invisible – markets… and… using your APM eBook to milk it for as many cash-rich clients as you can handle!
How to know exactly what info your audience is hurting for RIGHT now!
What exactly to write in your eBook! (No guesswork.)
How to find and strategically deliver to them that info they’re craving for… via APM eBook… for instant authority status and clients! (Even if you’re making your very first steps in that niche!)
MODULE 4 – List Building/Marketing
How to map out a detailed outline for your eBook using our one, proven, tested framework… in less than 10 minutes!
How to create a sizzling-hot title for your eBook that will stop your prospects dead in their tracks… and have them burning to buy and read your eBook!
How to choose “hot” keywords for your eBook title and its description to make sure it ranks high on Amazon… right out of the gate!
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Product Details
Q: What are Gumroad Payments?
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Q: Why Your Courses Are Cheap, Is This Website Legit?
A: Most of our courses come from Group buys.
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3. We add updates frequently once they are released.
Q: How Am I Going To Receive The Course After Fulfilling My Payment And How Soon Will I Receive It?
A: once you complete your purchase you will receive a direct link at your email, the course will also be added to your BizArena account dashboard at the "My downloads" Tab.
Q: Do I Need A Paid Mega.Nz Account To Access The Courses?
A: Nope, you will receive the link generated from our accounts and will use the quota from our accounts as well, this means you don't need anything else at all.
Q: How Can I Be Sure That I'll Receive The Course That I Paid For?
A: We have the course, you paid for it, and you will receive it.
Firstly, you need to know that we have 100% secure payment options like Stripe and PayPal which both have refund options so you don't have to worry about that.
Secondly, You can request content proof, we will send you screenshots of the course content, sample video links, and everything you need to make your concerns disappear.