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Sean Anthony - G-Doc Sales Papi

Sean Anthony - G-Doc Sales Papi

$21.00 $100.00 -79%
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Sean Anthony - G-Doc Sales Papi - Use simple G-Docs to sell and deliver pretty much everything.


      From $50 widgets and products... to $500-$3k courses... to $3k-$18k group coaching and consulting... to

      $20k-$30k masterminds... up to a $50k service... and everything in between.

      I use them to sell my own offers. I use them to deliver my content. I write them for clients and consult on how to deploy them.

      Google Docs are the lifeblood of my business!

      Here's why I love using G-Doc Sales Pages:

      • 1. They're simple and fast AF to create. You don't have to hire a designer or funnel builder. Simply open a doc and start typing. I suck at design, which is why these are great because even ugly asS docs can work.
      • 2. They're a "pattern interrupt". People's guards are down because they don't expect to be sold from a G-Doc. It looks and feels like a personal letter instead of an ad. And I often get comments from folks on how they've "never bought something from a G-Doc before but fkn love it"
      • 3. They're flexible AF. You can inject your personality throughout your copy. You can easily add images, memes, and gifs to make it entertaining. You can sell low, mid, or high-ticket. The G-Doc Sales Page is your playground.

      There are endless possibilities when writing your G-Doc Sales Pages.

      In this training — I'll show you how I use them.

      And once you learn how to write them.. you won't want to do it any other way.

      Write them for your own offers. Write them for a client. Or just write them for funzies.

      Whatever the case... if you sell stuff or help someone sell their stuff... this should be super useful for you.

      Here's What's Inside:

      - The G-Doc Gold Rush training to help you make sales right away (my goal is for you to be

      making money within 3 hours after the training)

      - How to create G-Doc Sales Pages that slap (I'I share the fundamentals and frameworks that have

      worked best for me)

      - The psychology around why G-Doc Sales Pages work so well (understand this and you'll

      become better at selling everything)

      - How to sell to a cold vs warm/hot prospect (you need to get this right or you could talk people OUT of a


      - What types of offers you can sell with Google Docs (I've sold everything from $50 products up

      to $50k services

      • - How to make your letters more entertaining (even if you're not funny)
      • - How to outline your G-Doc (I'll give you a framework/template you can use to get it done FAST)
      • - How to use simple and short stories to sell in your Google Docs
      • - How to write bangers even if you're not an A-List copywriter
      • - How to become a Meme Lord using images and gifs in your letter to sell more
      • Examples of proven Google Docs that generated 7-figures
      • - And a ho lot more...

      Exactly What You're Getting

      • - The G-Doc Gold Rush training (Replay)
      • - G-Doc Sales Page template
      • - Examples of proven G-Doc Sales Pages

      Now... this is usually something I only give to my Email Rainmaker client group which starts at $300/week.

      I also considered charging $1000 given how effective this has been and the "competition" I'd be creating for


      But I decided against it because I'd rather see more wins flowing in. And I can only write so much of these at a

      time, after all.

      Sales Page:

      Sean Anthony - G-Doc Sales Papi Course Content

      Product Details


      Q: What are Gumroad Payments?

      A: Gumroad Works as the payment gateway here, you get directed to an item on Gumroad that is linked to your BizArena order, once You complete you purchase on Gumroad, Your order on BizArena will be automatically Completed.

      Q: Why Your Courses Are Cheap, Is This Website Legit?

      A: Most of our courses come from Group buys.

      We either do our own group buys or organize them.

      So We have access to everything.

      And other times, We are only a participant and other people organize them for us and deliver the product to us. Every course has its own unique conditions. Some Courses we get for cheap prices (Group Buy Prices).

      And others not. We get them for an expensive price. We are making sure that We can provide affordable prices but sometimes, It is really out of our hands.

      In both cases:

      1. We only share videos, PDFS, any other documents or audio files.

      2. We don't share any Facebook Group Access or any other private communities.

      3. We add updates frequently once they are released.

      Q: How Am I Going To Receive The Course After Fulfilling My Payment And How Soon Will I Receive It?

      A: once you complete your purchase you will receive a direct link at your email, the course will also be added to your BizArena account dashboard at the "My downloads" Tab.

      Q: Do I Need A Paid Mega.Nz Account To Access The Courses?

      A: Nope, you will receive the link generated from our accounts and will use the quota from our accounts as well, this means you don't need anything else at all.

      Q: How Can I Be Sure That I'll Receive The Course That I Paid For?

      A: We have the course, you paid for it, and you will receive it.

      Firstly, you need to know that we have 100% secure payment options like Stripe and PayPal which both have refund options so you don't have to worry about that.

      Secondly, You can request content proof, we will send you screenshots of the course content, sample video links, and everything you need to make your concerns disappear.

      How to Download - F.A.Q

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