"We had just raised $1,100,000 in seed financing, we had a good product, a great market, and some beta customers. We
needed to get the product in the hands of more people and achieve scale. However, our message wasn't resonating. We
had enterprise deals in the pipeline, but they were taking longer than expected to close. We tried selling direct, but we
were unable to get success. We needed to get to our first million ASAP. We were referred to Nick by one of our board
members, and we decided to start working with him to build out our sales funnel. He helped with messaging, sales
scripts, ads, landing pages, comp. structure, CRM integration, hiring, investor decks, financial forecasts and analysis,
capital allocation, channel partner agreements and the customer success process. The results were incredible. Within 12
months, we grew to over $1M annual recurring revenue. The funnel worked and it was profitable. Because we had
traction, we were able to close larger enterprise deals and sign healthy channel partner agreements. We are now cash
flow positive and growing fast using the systems Nick helped build. Nick continues to consult with us." Kevin Mulhern,
Founder and CEO of AdvisorStream
Sales Page: https://anon.to/qNPENf