After working with thousands of clients and students, I've discovered that the missing piece to selling your digital products online is usually a fully-strategized sales funnel. Sales funnels might sound overwhelming, but simply put, it's mapping out your customer's journey from browser to buyer.
It's where the customer's problem is solved using your solution highlighted by your unique expertise. These three ingredients are mixed together to make you money in an unbeatable formula called the Triple Dip Funnel.
The Triple Dip Funnel is my FAVORITE sales funnel for converting cold traffic into paying customers... meaning it's perfect whether you already have an audience, or your business is brand new.
Many people preach that it's next to impossible to convert cold traffic into sales, but I've cracked the code!
The Triple Dip Funnel has been a complete game-changer for my own business as well as for my students!
In fact, I've made over one million dollars using this funnel strategy.
You may be thinking, "Monica, clue me in, what exactly IS a sales funnel?"
Remember, a sales funnel is just a fancy way of saying your customer's buying journey. There are FIVE stages to creating the perfect customer journey.
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