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    RSD – Max Girlfriend Game

    RSD – Max Girlfriend Game

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    Regardless of where you are right now – Girlfriend Game is the best thing you can do for your game, PERIOD.

    Girlfriend Game:

    -Is the first pickup program that helps you game her, get her, AND keep her.

    -Will provide you a roadmap to becoming a self-reliant, sex worthy, deep, and love-worthy.

    -Will give you a relationship that is fun, sexy, interesting, and a pleasure to wake up to every single morning…

    Girlfriend Game will…

    -Get you a high quality girl, while helping you avoid the crazy gold-diggers that will take your money and/or ruin your life.

    -Show you how to maintain the alpha frame in the relationship, while she stares at you with bambi eyes every single time she sees you.

    -Help you get a girlfriend that supports your game journey, goes out with you, and helps you pull threesomes.

    -Give you the tools to handle multiple relationships with several girls at the same time – many of them will even want to have threesomes with you.

    -…and all that, while making you immune to jealousy, so you never have to be afraid of other guys snagging your GF.

    With Girlfriend Game, you will be literally Creating Your Own Reality with The 4 Becomings:

    Become Self-Reliant

    Become truly independent, wipe away insecurities so that you are NEVER needy, clingy, or desperate EVER AGAIN.

    Become Sex Worthy

    Master the frames about sex that aren’t taught anywhere else, become a TRUE KING in your kingdom, and have her DYING to f*ck you!

    Become Deep

    Master the skill that separates the best-of-the-best from the rest – and become the deepest man she’s ever had a chance to meet, keeping her OBSESSED.

    Becoming Love Worthy

    Become truly love worthy, obliterating the walls and roadblocks that have led to self-sabotage in the past.

    I know you’re excited, so let me show you exactly what you will find inside Girlfriend Game:

    Inner Game: Debunking Myths

    First – we will debunk every mainstream myth you’ve learned about relationships and dating.

    This is the antidote to every single false assumption, misconception, and mistake you have EVER made in your relationships.

    We will eliminate the useless belief systems that are preventing you from attracting a perfect 10, and reverse the YEARS of limiting social conditioning that is literally keeping you shackled to the rock of mediocrity.

    On top of that, we will give you the 3 Critical Self-Assessments that will reveal which paradigm you are in, and how to get to the next level:

    The Noob

    The Player

    The Boyfriend

    How to Get Her

    We will lay down the CORE principles to becoming a sex-worthy and love-worthy alpha male that women lust over and want to be with.

    We will introduce you to The 4 Becoming’s that will forever alter your path as you move forward through life, making you:

    Become a powerful force in your own universe

    Have women naturally gravitate towards you because of your alpha male presence

    Put you straight on the path in to your ideal 10/10 relationship.

    This is the KEY to get a girlfriend and keep her addicted to you.

    In addition, you’ll finally understand how to find the right girlfriend for your current lifestyle and save yourself the pain and emotional trauma that most guys face when choosing the wrong relationships. Some other things you’ll discover is how to attract the girl of your choice, pass shit tests, and unveil the true personality of girls before committing 100%.

    If you are looking to switch from a causal relationship to a more serious one without the consequences of failure… we cover that heavily in this section as well.

    How to Keep Her

    This section we cover the entire framework of what creates long-lasting, attractive, sexy, and epic relationships. This includes knowing what your current or future girlfriend desires in a relationship. What turns her off and how to create passive attraction that not only excites her but gives her a sense of a relief she’s with you.

    You’ll also learn how to train your girlfriend with positive reframes and discover the influence your girlfriend also has on you, but perhaps you never knew! PLUS, how to game while being in a relationship and why this is actually a great thing.

    Learn how to give your girlfriend toe-curling sex even if you’re not that experienced in bed. Do what I tell you and she’ll never want to leave your side ever again…

    Monogamy & Polygamy

    We dedicated an entire section to monogamy and polygamy. We will define what polygamy is and whether it’s right for you. Moreover, we go in depth into open relationships that are win-win for both parties and how to set them up correctly.

    PLUS, if you were ever thinking on having your girlfriend do threesomes with you, this section will break down how do just that and how to make it a fun experience for her and yourself. Happy hunting.

    Problems in Your Relationship Bible

    The Crucial what-to-do’s when conflict arises in your relationships. This section will define exactly how to deal with any situation and know how to come out on top.

    We have over a dozen videos explaining every last nuance about what to do when there are problems in your relationship. You will learn the secrets of how to be 2 steps ahead of any conflict and never let those issues catch you off guard again.

    This is the ultimate relationship Bible that will relieve any future conflicts from crushing you or your girlfriend. Diving into the most common problems that always ruin our relationships:

    Dealing with fights

    When she denies sex

    When there’s another guy

    When she or you need distance

    When she has problems: How to deal with that

    What to do when you don’t have enough time for her

    When she still has feelings for her ex…

    Entire ADVANCED Girlfriend Game Section

    Finally – an honest break down of what to do when you feel lost in your relationship. This section is the Taekwondo of navigation deep relationship problems. There has never been such a thorough and raw breaking down of what to do when…

    You need to Break Up With Her

    How to Get Over Break Ups


    Long Distance Relationships

    Enhanced Communication Tricks

    BONUS GF Text Game

    Elevate your girlfriend’s attraction level with just a single text message. GG TextGame will unleash the secrets of how to spike emotions in your girlfriend with just the click of a button. Learn how to make her excited to see you and super attracted to you – no matter where you are.

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    Product Details


    Q: What are Gumroad Payments?

    A: Gumroad Works as the payment gateway here, you get directed to an item on Gumroad that is linked to your BizArena order, once You complete you purchase on Gumroad, Your order on BizArena will be automatically Completed.

    Q: Why Your Courses Are Cheap, Is This Website Legit?

    A: Most of our courses come from Group buys.

    We either do our own group buys or organize them.

    So We have access to everything.

    And other times, We are only a participant and other people organize them for us and deliver the product to us. Every course has its own unique conditions. Some Courses we get for cheap prices (Group Buy Prices).

    And others not. We get them for an expensive price. We are making sure that We can provide affordable prices but sometimes, It is really out of our hands.

    In both cases:

    1. We only share videos, PDFS, any other documents or audio files.

    2. We don't share any Facebook Group Access or any other private communities.

    3. We add updates frequently once they are released.

    Q: How Am I Going To Receive The Course After Fulfilling My Payment And How Soon Will I Receive It?

    A: once you complete your purchase you will receive a direct link at your email, the course will also be added to your BizArena account dashboard at the "My downloads" Tab.

    Q: Do I Need A Paid Mega.Nz Account To Access The Courses?

    A: Nope, you will receive the link generated from our accounts and will use the quota from our accounts as well, this means you don't need anything else at all.

    Q: How Can I Be Sure That I'll Receive The Course That I Paid For?

    A: We have the course, you paid for it, and you will receive it.

    Firstly, you need to know that we have 100% secure payment options like Stripe and PayPal which both have refund options so you don't have to worry about that.

    Secondly, You can request content proof, we will send you screenshots of the course content, sample video links, and everything you need to make your concerns disappear.

    How to Download - F.A.Q

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