In this section, I help you avoid problems typical to nonfiction writers: Fear of failure, not knowing where to start, hitting a brick wall after 30 pages or so, you name it. Imagine how much more confident and motivated you'll be after laying the proper groundwork for your book.
Beginning the Writing
Here we spend a few sessions on your first page alone — where many nonfiction writers get hung up. We'll get yours to where you're thrilled with it before moving on, so you'll be motivated to keep rolling.
Establishing a Writing Routine
Here, I bring you through your first several chapters and share my best secrets to help you cement habits that will carry you through the full process.
Finishing Well
By the time we reach the last section of Nonfiction Blueprint, you'll have confidently written roughly the first quarter of your manuscript and reached the Marathon of the Middle. To finish well, you have to do more than just endure the middle. You must thrive there and keep things moving for the reader's sake. I give you everything you need to complete the marathon and drive toward the finish.
So Part IV is designed to see you all the way to the end. That's why I've peppered it with a truckload of guidance and encouragement to help you through some of the toughest parts of your nonfiction book.
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