Clipping Academy is an exclusive community of work-from-home entrepreneurs that use cutting-edge AI tools and resources to create short-form content to promote affiliate offers, earn social platform revenue, and to provide high-ticket agency services to clients.
The academy will include over 12 hours of beginner, intermediate, and advanced training to teach you exactly how to set up a clipping business that consistently pulls in $10,000+ contracts from clients, as well as how to create viral content that earns commissions.
Earn Multiple Streams of Income (MSI) with the Clipping Academy Training
Create short-form content that goes viral and get thousands of clicks to affiliate links!
​PERSONALITY CHANNELS: If you want to grow your influence, use this strategy to create your own content on your own channels and use the link in the bio to generate affiliate commissions.
FACELESS CHANNELS: If you prefer not to use your face then set up new channels and use AI tools to create shorts using OPC (Other Peoples Content) to promote affiliate offers in your bio.
Charge clients $3,000/mo, $5,000/mo or even $10,000/mo for your services
​AGENCY ARBITRAGE: No need to have your own digital agency. You can team up with other community members and be the "middleman" and earn a 10% or 20% cut for clients you refer them.
​RUN YOUR OWN AGENCY: Or get clients yourself on monthly retainer and fulfill services for them using the skills that you learn inside of the training in the Clipping Academy.
Earn monthly rev-share checks from Google, Facebook, Amazon and more!
​REVENUE SHARING: Earn a cut for every dollar advertisers spend to display ads during your shorts. For example, Google pays 45% of the net revenue that it receives from its advertisers!
SPONSORSHIP INCOME: You can also earn income by doing sponsored promos in your content and simply endorsing brands that are specific to your niche and your audience.
We will pay you $1,500 per sale for anyone you refer into the Clipping Academy!
​AFFILIATE OPPORTUNITY: This is a perk that is exclusive to Clipping Academy members only. You'll receive an affiliate link and for each referral you will be paid $1,500 after a 7-day refund period.
​ADDITIONAL OFFERS: In the summer we are rolling out additional affiliate opportunities and you'll have first movers advantage to earn huge commissions just for being in Clipping Academy!
From the Desk of Chris Record,
I started the Clipping Academy because this was a service that I desperately needed for my own business, and one that all of my top industry contacts all needed for their business as well.
My goal is to train and mentor a tight community of entrepreneurs on how to properly use AI tools to edit high quality long-form content down into short-form content that goes viral using these 4 essential pillars.
1. Storytelling - The art of telling short-form stories effectively.
2. Audio - Background music and trending songs to boost views.
3. Visuals - B-roll and relevant scenes to add more emotion.
4. Captions - Giving context to fast-paced content.
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